Defending Democracy – Young Voters

Defending Democracy – Young Voters

Millennials and Gen Z-ers are not feeling the Biden love. Many are threatening to sit out next year’s election. Some are flirting with supporting Donald Trump — or a third-party random candidate What will it take to lock in these voters? There is a whole host of...
Defending Democracy – MAGA

Defending Democracy – MAGA

MAGA was on trial in a courtroom — its methods, its morality and the means it uses to escape the consequences of its dreadful acts. That’s because a “MAGA MAN” Rudy Giuliani was found guilty of terrible lies that election workers committed voter fraud. Giuliani’s lies...
Defending Democracy -the Insurrection Act

Defending Democracy -the Insurrection Act

There is a land mine called the Insurrection Act that Donald Trump, if re-elected president, could use to destroy our republic. This Act permits the president to deploy military troops in American communities to act as a domestic police force under his direct...
Defending Democracy – Christian Nationalism

Defending Democracy – Christian Nationalism

New House Speaker Johnson is a clear rebuttal to the overall liberal societal drift that’s happening in the United States. His views are far out of step with the average American and even with a significant number of Republicans. White evangelicals still have a very...
Defending Democracy – Florida

Defending Democracy – Florida

A group of Democratic lawmakers in the US House are calling for a hearing to investigate attacks on democracy, following Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s suspension of State Attorney Monique Worrell for alleged “neglect of duty.” There are shocking trends of...
Defending Democracy – New Mexico

Defending Democracy – New Mexico

New Mexican voters should feel safe and supported as they cast their votes. This year, Common Cause New Mexico is ramping up efforts and beginning to train volunteers over the summer in advance of early voting. What follows could be a template for action in any state....