Defending Democracy – MAGA

Defending Democracy – MAGA

MAGA was on trial in a courtroom — its methods, its morality and the means it uses to escape the consequences of its dreadful acts. That’s because a “MAGA MAN” Rudy Giuliani was found guilty of terrible lies that election workers committed voter fraud. Giuliani’s lies...
Biden and Justice Breyer

Biden and Justice Breyer

So now, it is fascinating to watch as people work themselves up about Joe Biden committing to choosing a Supreme Court nominee from a group that has long been overlooked: Black women. It is identity politics and affirmative action, they scream. The irony here is that...
Interference in U.S. presidential race

Interference in U.S. presidential race

Trump officials have dismissed suspicions that Russia has interfered in elections again The NABWMT, as a program by the Media Committee is monitoring Voter Suppression in the USA. They have information on their web pages to keep folks aware of the attack on our vote...
Immigrants and Public Services

Immigrants and Public Services

NBC NEWS: WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is expected to issue a proposal in coming weeks that would make it harder for legal immigrants to become citizens or get green cards if they have ever used a range of popular public welfare programs, including Obamacare,...

Koch Brothers

Charles Koch over the weekend called Trump’s tariffs “unfair” to foreign countries and their workers.“This is ridiculous, we should just get rid of all barriers except on things that will hurt people,” Koch told the media during a donor summit in...