MLK DAY 2024

MLK DAY 2024

Honoring Dr. King Today, January 15th, 1929, Martin Luther King Jr. was born. He is remembered as a courageous and loving leader of the civil and human rights movement whose words and wisdom empowered masses globally at a time when polarization, discrimination and...
Defending Democracy – Young Voters

Defending Democracy – Young Voters

Millennials and Gen Z-ers are not feeling the Biden love. Many are threatening to sit out next year’s election. Some are flirting with supporting Donald Trump — or a third-party random candidate What will it take to lock in these voters? There is a whole host of...
Defending Democracy – Christian Nationalism

Defending Democracy – Christian Nationalism

New House Speaker Johnson is a clear rebuttal to the overall liberal societal drift that’s happening in the United States. His views are far out of step with the average American and even with a significant number of Republicans. White evangelicals still have a very...
Defending Democracy – Florida

Defending Democracy – Florida

A group of Democratic lawmakers in the US House are calling for a hearing to investigate attacks on democracy, following Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s suspension of State Attorney Monique Worrell for alleged “neglect of duty.” There are shocking trends of...
The Push to Restrict Abortion Pills

The Push to Restrict Abortion Pills

Women were instrumental in helping during the AIDS crisis, and so I am always an ally in the fight for women’s rights. Since a federal judge in Texas last week invalidated the Food and Drug Administration’s 23-year-old approval of the abortion drug mifepristone,...
Tennessee’s Rejects Federal Funds to Curb HIV

Tennessee’s Rejects Federal Funds to Curb HIV

For the work to curb the spread of H.I.V. in the Nashville region, workers relied heavily on federal grant money. So they were stunned when Tennessee’s health commissioner announced earlier this year that the state would no longer accept $8.8 million in federal grant...